Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Storybook Favorites

Gambling and Curses Lose: Real Love Wins

Five brothers and their wife Image Source

The title caught my attention because who does not love a love story about gambling and curses, but after clicking on it I realized I had never heard the story before. The first two sections of the introduction did not really grab my attention, it was not until the last section when the person walking by them tells a story similar to theirs. I like the design of the introduction due to its simplicity. In my own project I would consider using his or her navigation because of how easy it is to go from story to story.

Indian Epics: Tales of the Wild West

When I was a kid I loved hearing stories about cowboys and the wild west so naturally I clicked on this title. The home page has a great image of what looks like a fight undergoing. The introduction is different than the previous story because it does not really tell you much about how the story is going to go, but all about the characters that are involved and that there will be stories about each of them. The title of the last story on the webpage catching my attention because a new face in town causes trouble in the wild west. The imagery and navigation are similar to that of the previous story and I would consider doing it this way in my project.

The Trial of Four Warriors

I have not heard this story before, but the title caught my attention and it told you what the story was going to be about. After reading through the introduction, I began to read through the first warriors story. Safe to say the introduction worked. The design layout of this one was different than the previous two by having the links to the stories on the left hand side instead of at the top and I liked this change because it was unique and original.

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