Thursday, January 18, 2018

Introduction to a First-Time Blogger

Hello, I am a senior chemical engineer major here at the University of Oklahoma and the coolest thing about the chemical engineering field is the versatility of the major. You can go into many different fields such as the oil and gas industry or any chemical industry. For instant, my capstone is designing a potato chip plant that will make one million pounds of potato chips each year. We have to do everything from finding the land to build it on to distributing the bags of chips to our customers.

This break was quite exciting. I went to San Antonio for a party the first weekend after finals and then traveled out to Los Angeles for New Years as well as the Rose Bowl. The ending of the Rose Bowl was not what I wanted, but it still was a great game and awesome trip. The week after that I went to Vail, Colorado and stayed at one of my friends house and skied for 4 days. There wasn't much snow except for the last day where it snowed 15 inches on us as we skied. And I drove to all these places spending over 75 hours in the car and driving over 5,000 miles. Here is a picture I took of my friend's dog that went on the trip to Vail with us. Her name is Harper and she loves playing in the snow with brother, Francie, that is not pictured.
Image may contain: dog and indoor
Harper and her toy

I enjoy watching tennis and I try to play with a couple of my buddies whenever the weather is a bit warmer. I also like watching football and basketball and try to go to every OU home game for both sports. I am also trying to attend as many away OU basketball games I can this semester since I am graduating in May and won't be able to travel as much since I will be working.


  1. Hi Michael!
    Welcome to blogging! I bet chemical engineering keeps you busy. It will be cool to see all the things you can do with that degree. I wish I went to the Rose Bowl – I bet that was so fun (minus the game turn out). Vail is also an awesome place. I went there for spring break last year, and I enjoy skiing too! Our basketball team needs support, so I’m glad you plan to attend those games.

  2. OH MY GOSH: potato chip plant project... that sounds incredibly cool, Michael! Wow! (Yes, I probably should have been an engineer... does it show? But I got hooked on foreign languages, and so I dropped all my math and physics classes my freshman year, but I know I would have been a happy engineer for sure.) And I am guessing you could do a project for this class learning about potato legends around the world, or maybe urban legends about potato chips and other snack foods! There is an Incan potato goddess (Axomama), and you can find stories about potatoes old (Sacred Texts Archive search: potato) and new urban legends search: potato. I'm a big believer in finding ways to get classes to connect, and maybe potatoes could be your connection! :-)

  3. Hey Michael! My roommate is a ChemE and all I can say is wow. That course work seems like a nightmare, so I'm glad we have people like you who like it! I'm surprisingly jealous of your combined 75 hours in the car. I love road trips so much; there's just something about hours and hours of talking on an open road that's so special! I hope you cherished that!

  4. Michael,
    I'm jealous that you got to go skiing this winter! I used to go with my family every year, but as we’ve all gotten older, we haven’t had the chance to do so as often. Also, in all honesty, I’m not entirely sure what a chemical engineer does, but if it is design potato chip factories, I honestly might consider switching majors.

  5. Hi Michael, nice to meet you! Wow, chemical engineering, that sounds pretty intense. I am glad that you are doing something for your capstone project that interests you. It sounds pretty cool but like a lot of work. I wish I could have made the trip to the Rose Bowl, but I was hoping to travel to the National Championship if we made it... :( My parents were actually in Vail over the break and said that there was not a lot of snow at all. I guess the snow season came late for that part of Colorado. Well, I hope you have a great semester!

  6. Hey Michael! I'm really big into traveling as well. I'm thinking about driving down to Dallas and San Antonio for spring break so, if you have any suggestions of cool things to do, please let me know! I've been to LA a couple times now, but I can't imagine driving. I have a hard enough time sitting still for the 3 hour plane ride. Also, I'm just loving Harper. She looks like a corgi which is my dream dog!

  7. Hey Michael! First off, that dog is so cute. I'm a sucker for anything cute and fluffy so she already have my heart. Chemical engineering seems like it combines all the things I don't do as an art history major- science and math- so props to you for being able to do that! Also a capstone that involves potato chips? How did you manage that!

  8. Hey Michael! Nice to meet you! It's so cool that you're a chemical engineer major! That's something I don't think I could ever study because it's so tough! Your capstone sounds very exciting and I bet you're learning a lot about what it takes to be in the industry as well! I also went to the Rose Bowl. Even though the outcome sucked, the experience itself was absolutely amazing! Good luck this semester and after graduation!

  9. Hi Michael!
    Wow, you really had a busy break leading up to the spring semester! I'm so impressed that you managed to drive to all those places. Over 75 hours of driving time is insane, but I'm sure it was very worth it. It's cool that you are in your last semester and that you want to be a chemical engineer! That's super impressive. Also, your capstone sounds like a very interesting one. I know some people hate their capstones, but yours actually sounds exciting!

  10. Hi Michael,

    I am right with you, I have never blogged before! I am an international studies major, so all of this is totally new to me but I have really enjoyed it so far. That is awesome that you are going to be a chemical engineer - since I have been job hunting, I have noticed that there are practically unlimited opportunities for engineers. And the pay is great too! That's so cool that you got to go to the Rose Bowl, too bad it couldn't have turned out a little better than it did!

  11. Hey Michael! I have a friend who's a chemical engineering major, although he's a grad student currently. There's a lot of things that chemical engineering is involved in, so from what I know, people in your major are always necessary somewhere which is good for getting jobs!

    Your break sounds neat, especially the skiing. That snow on the last day sounds like a mixed blessing; you got a lot of snow to ski on, but also got over a foot of snow falling on you!

  12. Hi, Michael!

    It looks and sounds like your winter break was full of adventure! I would love to visit Vail someday, but am surprised to hear that it did not snow most of the time you were there.

    It's great that you're such a big fan of Sooner Sports! I hope that you are able to see plenty of OU Men's Basketball games this year, especially now that we've made it to the NCAA Tournament!

  13. Hi Michael! How similar is majoring in chemical engineering to majoring in Chemistry? I don't major in either, but I was horrible at general chemistry and ended up dropping o-chem. It is admirable that you are persevering in such a difficult major. It sounds like you are enjoying yourself, though, with that awesome capstone project. It is getting pretty late into the semester now. How is that going for you? Anyways, good luck with the rest of the semester! Maybe at the end of it, you can go on another awesome road trip.

  14. Hi Michael! I think it’s so cool that you went to the Rose Bowl. It must have been so fun except for that ending. That is awesome that you are a senior in Chemical Engineering. You must be ready to graduate because I heard Chemical Engineering is really hard here at the University of Oklahoma. Wow that potato chip plant must be a very exciting project.

  15. Hey Michael! Chem engineering is very difficult major to study in and i am very jealous that you made it through! Good job and congrats! I also wish that i went to the rose bowl. Super jealous man! Keep up the good work man and i will look forward to reading stories from you.

  16. Hi Michael! Its awesome that you had such a great break it sounds like you got to go to a lot of fun and different places. Chemical engineering sounds tough but I completely agree that it is a flexible degree that you can do a lot with, particularly in a place like Oklahoma. Congratulations on graduating soon you are on the home stretch!

  17. Hi Michael! It sounds like your break was a lot of fun. It's so cool that you travel around to so many different places and do so many different things. Chemical engineering sounds like a really interesting major. I hope your potato chip project is going well.

  18. Hi Michael,

    A potato chip capstone sounds like it would be a lot of work, but a lot of fun. I hope that has been going well for you! It sounds like your break was a really great one. I love Colorado and skiing there. Everything is so beautiful when covered with fresh snow. I can’t see your picture, but I bet Harper is an adorable dog. Congratulations of graduating in May, I hope you have been able to go some basketball games this semester!

  19. Hey Michael,

    I have a couple of friends in your major and they seem very busy all the time, so I can imagine what your course load looks like! Your capstone project sounds super interesting. It sounds like it goes beyond just the scope of your major and even into the business and economics of your case. Good luck on the rest of the semester!


  20. Hey Michael! This is so crazy that I am reading your intro. I had no idea you were a chemical engineering major. That's awesome! I feel like I already know so much about you, since we have gone to school together since Kindergarten. I really enjoyed reading your intro because I still learned some new things about you.

  21. Hi Michael, I can't believe it's the 13th week of school and I'm still finding new people in this class. Your capstone sounds really cool and also difficult. It's interesting that it includes so many details I would assume to separate from engineering. I have a couple chemical engineering friends so I know how challenging that major can be sometimes!
